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Hydee Tehana

What if the World is perfect just the way it is?

So, I have been hearing this in my head for about a year now, “What if the world is perfect just the way it is?”


What if it is?

Nothing to fight against.

Nothing to do.

Just observe.

Nothing to change except me.


The quote from Gandhi comes to mind after this thought, which comes in a few times a day now…“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


I understand this quote, but on some level, I don’t. This is how it has felt for many years as I consciously get the quote. Somehow more recently though, I have a deep level of innerstanding now that I am the one that needs to change. I change and my world around me changes.


So simple.


Transform my limiting beliefs in my inner world and the world that is reflected back to me transforms, as this is a mirrored reality. Literally, the world that I see will magically melt around me and transform to match my new frequency.


“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”


As I sit with all this, I can see the distraction of this world of duality that draws us in to pick sides on this topic and that topic of what is right and wrong. This is the world that we have incarnated in currently without a rule book. A world of duality that needs our energy to power it. It needs the back and forth to exist as once we are in stillness, this game of duality ceases to exist.




I have fought against the “wrongs” of the world and been a warrior at heart. I have taken sides and gone against the “dark” side. By doing this, did I strengthen the world of duality we are in?


Sure seems to be so.


Indeed…A world of lights reflected in a kaleidoscope which reflects that which we believe.






A mirror maze of limited possibilities that get reflected back to us in a variety of ways which all seem different, yet have the same underlying belief. This duality game can only do what it was programmed to do with a limited set of possibilities. When we are done playing this game, we see the exit by mastering our frequencies which opens the doors to other realms of possibilities.


So, what if the world is perfect just the way it is?

Am I ready to change internally?

Where am I limiting myself in my perceptions?

The way out is going within.

Open and curious.


As I sit with all this, Richard Bach’s words come to mind again, “Argue for your limitations and sure enough, they’re yours.”


Life can be magical and beautiful.

Have we forgotten?

Have I forgotten?


My daughter came with us on a retreat one time that we were leading in Bimini to be with the dolphins and energies there. She was there with us for two weeks.


When she came back, she went back into school and volleyball which she loves. Within the first week of being back, she came to me saying that she isn’t happy with the volleyball coach because he yells at everyone and makes them cry. She had him as a coach before and this was typical for him. She was a star varsity volleyball player and now she is thinking of quitting.


On the tails of this, she adds that she decided that she is going to graduate high school a year early as she has enough credits and is tired of all the school drama.


This is all a bit shocking to me and I just take it all in.


I ask her more questions about all she shared and she then tells me, “Mom, if there is anything that I learned from being with the dolphins and everyone in Bimini is that life is meant to be magical and fun!”


She got it.

In every cell of her being, she got it.


She isn’t going to play in the old world and her world is one of magic and fun. What a wonderful gift to me that she is and that she is following her heart. She decided to transform within and her world is going to reflect who she is now.


So, do we sit and do nothing about all the chaos and suffering in the world? To me, it is our reaction and our frequency that matters. When we do things from our heart, it is divinely orchestrated. Also, what we focus on, will increase and become more dense. I think of the news and how it is part of the system to keep you off balance and in fear. We focus on the chaos and suffering in the world.


What is real anyways?

Is any of this real?

I’ve seen the hologram.

It’s all an illusion.


As I keep asking questions, I am shown more and more truth of the reality that we are in. I wonder if anyone or anything is even real and perhaps, I am just the only character in my movie. As Shakespeare said, “All the world is a stage and all the men and women merely players. They all have their exits and their entrances.”


Ever see the movie called The Game with Michael Douglas?

It says it all.

The Truman Show?

Same premise.


What if you remember and wake up during the game instead of finding out that this is a game when you’re dead?


So, I transform my inner world and the world around me transforms to match my frequency. I feel the truth of this as it can be no other way in this multi-frequential, hall of mirrors world.


What if this world is perfect just the way it is…






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